Business Incubator Program

Business Incubator Program


About this Program:

Our business incubator program helps start-up and early-stage companies to get all kinds of support to get themselves established soon.


Assistance includes providing free training sessions facilitated by professionals deputed by Royal College, free or low-cost workspace, mentorship, expertise, access to investors etc.,

Program Outcome:

Enrolled entrepreneurs/students undergo a free workshops/lecture sessions by Industry Experts / Academic Instructors.

At the end of the Incubator Program, the entrepreneur will receive a Certificate from Royal College and have Operations Plan, Business Plan and ready to use business model.

Most of the programs offered under this division are NON ACADEMIC and PRACTICAL  in nature.

Program Duration & Participants:

8 weekend sessions and 5 entrepreneurs per cohort.


The topics include communications, business plan, entrepreneurship, business development, finance etc.,

Industries Covered:

We cover start-ups from any industry

Program Delivery Method / Location:

All workshops/learning sessions are conducted online and/or at the Royal College's unit at North York, ON

For all other details, send an email including your full name, age, education, experience, city and country where you live and contact phone number to reach you.